


福原愛臨陣受傷退賽,石川佳純獨自擔起日本女隊,參加2014 World Champinions。


8強對荷蘭的比賽時,明顯有勇無謀: 一味猛衝,幾個 Match Points 都被她發力過猛打失。此後,第五盤差點崩潰: 對荷蘭的三號其實就是一味set,一臉痛苦的表情。好不容易Win下,最後一個球落地,馬上淚如雨下。


[ 本帖最後由 belcher168 於 2014-5-4 23:19 編輯 ]
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原帖由 lmichael 於 2014-5-23 17:27 發表
大佬......石川佳純奧運攞第幾? 仲成真正成長了? 人地一早成長了啦. 單打第四, 團體第二......所以hoching同佢打得咁接近, 真係好事, 即係除中國或原中國選手外, hoching應該已經同世界前十有得打.
The 真正成長 means ‘心理', not ‘技術'.

石川佳純 always lost to the players in lower ranking due to high pressure, particular in the final match of team competition.
In 2014, 福原愛 was not there so that she became the team leader and suffered lot of pressure.

2014 Table Tennis Team World Championship  (8強對荷蘭)
The 2rd match: She lost to Li Jian 2:3 (In the final game, she led 10:8, but finally lost 10:12).
The 5th match: She only won 3:2 of another 荷蘭 with low ranking.

See Other Competitions:
2012 Olympic Women Single No. 4, but lost to 馮天薇 No. 3 a lot
2012: Olympic Women Team No. 2, but 福原愛 was there.

2012 Table Tennis Team World Championship (8強對Korea)
The 5rd match: She lost to Kim Kyung Ah 2:3 (In the final game, she led 10:8, but lost dues and Japan lost the medal).

2012 Table Tennis Team World Cup Team (8強對Korea)
It should be ¼ Final (or other stage, I forgot it), 石川佳純 lost 2 matches, but Japan finally won 3:2, as 福原愛 won 2 matches.

Therefore, whether 石川佳純 can win 李皓晴 easily would be a doubt, even she won many time before. Another pressure would be come from the probalby results of the 5th match of Japan vs. Hong Kong (HK has a high chance to win). That is, if 石川佳純 loses to 李皓晴, Japan is likely to lose the whole competition.

[ 本帖最後由 belcher168 於 2014-5-23 18:19 編輯 ]


原帖由 反膠王子 於 2014-5-23 19:15 發表
It is differnt for the above match: 4強日本vs香港

--- ‘技術'無優勢
--- '心理' has 優勢 beasue of too high pressue on the Japanese

