
【網友來信】 hkttf係咪變左質

First of all , I give my full support to your view.
I live in Melbourne Australia I have no chance to play ping pong with you guys but I like to share experience with you guys in HKTTF , for being an active member , I have a motive to make our site a versatile and informative site with primarily ping pong and other interesting topics , recently , with your kind approval ,I am so luckily to have been assigned a webpage for my uploads , while I was so happy to think that I could contribute more , my motive was openly challenged .

My feeling is that I am here to make friends (I did make good friends here) and not enemies , I am here to enjoy chatting and sharing ping pong experience and have no time and interest to play politics with anyone.

HKTTF is a versatile and informative site for anyone locally and overseas, I will continue to give my full support to the Management and Policy of HHTTF.

p.s. Please kindly excuse me for not using Chinese as I think I can express my points better in English.


原帖由 (=^x^=) 於 2012-2-9 15:58 發表
多謝李清的回應, 順便多謝你一直與我們的分享
其實澳洲與我們很近, 我們有很多網友也來自澳州

做一個網站不容易, 如果你不愛上你的網站, 不熱愛乒乓球, 那麼動力便會消失
支持你創造你的網站, 加油, 努力 !! ...
Many thanks for your prompt translation, very efficient , I have a lot of friends in Melbourne ping pong society who also come from Hong Kong and China. I am popular because of my powerful long pimple ox weapon and have to face a lot of challenge , I enjoy playing ping pong as well as the fellowship in the ping pong society here in Melbourne, from my previous uploads of Melbourne ping pong competition , you might see some familiar faces who may come from Hong Kong .

Appreciate your good work and contribution to HHTTF.
Happy Ping Pong !!

