
事後反省, 我是否在揠苗助長呢?

I would not ask my son go to such high level competition as I know my son would not take it well.

Although  your son was hea 打 at first, he could pick up and 才重拾情緒, 認真打 the old cake!  Meaning his EQ is not as bad as many other kids already.

Also he said 他都說後悔有此 hea 打表現, and promised 下次不會了, this is a VERY big gain la!  Not 揠苗助長 at all!

Too bad I live too far away, if not we can play TT together sometime!


原帖由 Bluesky 於 2009-4-2 07:05 發表

頭2 次ok, 希望今次也ok 吧, 他今次要求自己温, 不讓我帮,
好, 我又縱他 la, 就讓他自己安排溫習, 這是他的選擇, 后果自己負責,
孩子成長, 父母要讓他們学會向自己的選擇負責,
今次放手, 令我憂慮,但终有天要放手讓他去選擇, 去面對的,
遲D 看他的成績怎樣啦!  
I wish my son would ask for 自己温 soon.  I have been training him to 自己温 since P1 but he is too rely on us, of course, that parent's problem.

Is a very good thing that your son ask for self study.  I hope he is ok, even if not, just ask him to review and improve his study method.

