I would like to take this opportunity to thank for all brothers and sisters who had provided valuable suggestions over the past few days. I must also say thank you to JCLEE in particular who had mailed me with his valuable experience and information.
It took me a long time to look at the information and the availabilities in the site. In fact, it wasn't necessary. All I needed to do was to choose a reasonable racket for him. For the two plastics, he is still young and he will need to change them occasionally. Therefore, I chose the medium prices for him but with two different plastics, 貼性 and 澀性 respectively ( I still don't know the differences!!). Anyway, here are my selections:
a. Stiga Optimum SYNC 黑水晶
b. 正手: 海夫藍鯨II
c. 反手: 世奧得 HERO
I think the above will be good enough for him to start with in the primary school. If he doesn't like it or the pastics are broken then I'll buy him the others when it comes to Christmas. I better save some money now!