某個硬皮月曆刊出的生肖普遍特性中英對照 (只供參考) <上半場>
有威嚴的外表, 有權力, 喜歡冒險. 對事物的看法相當堅持, 決定了就會行動. 快, 狠, 準是其特性, 不過有時比較懶散, 被動.
You have a dignified appearance and authority. Like adventure. Insist on your opinion and point of view. Will act once decided. Quick and precise are your characteristics, but can be indolent and passive sometimes.
好動, 活潑熱愛自由, 觀察力非常敏銳, 有着開發的能力, 是個業務高手, 因此讓人覺得能言善講, 有時實而不華.
Active and cheerful. Enjoy freedom. Sharp observation. Because you are a natural-born exploiter and great entrepreneur, others have impression that you are an eloquent person that is showy and not substantial.
有領導的能力, 行動敏捷, 心思細膩, 分析能力很強. 喜歡幫助別人,懷疑心比較重, 多變.
You are a great leader, nimble to act, and meticulous. Strong analytical skills. Like to help others. Sometimes too skeptical and capricuous.
勇敢果決, 適應能力超強, 反應靈敏. 勇於嘗試新事物, 具有8強烈的企圖心. 講求氣份, 用直覺做事, 財運雖旺, 卻不易守.
You are decisive and have a strong adaptablilty. Creative, like new ideas, and ambituous. Act with intuition and feeling. You are wealthy but not good at maintain it.
具有仁慈之心, 沒有心機, 喜歡為他人服務, 也懂得如何善待自己, 有運動細胞. 馬行千里老還鄉.
You are benevolence, and like to help others. Know how to treat yourself well. Very sporty.
羊 Goat
浪漫多情, 喜新厭舊, 具有同情心. 對於別人交待之事, 均能順利完成. 有時過於吝嗇, 謹慎, 反而不好.
You are romantic, and like to abandon the old for the new. Always accomplish what others ask for. You have stingy attitude towards money sometimes. Compassionate and careful.