
[砌版討論] 想請教孔芳碳應如何配置兩面膠皮(內附詳细解釋)

本主題由 (=^x^=) 於 2023-10-31 03:49 移動
Kong Linghui Arylate Carbon is known for its weak power and slow speed.
Most people would choose bouncier rubbers such as T64 on the forehand side to add power on the set up
However, I would suggest using harder rubbers such as Vega Pro or Spin Art to increase spin on the forehand side
For the backhand side, I think most of the ESN rubbers as well as many of the Butterfly rubbers work.
T64, Roundell (Hard), Rakza 7 (Hard), Calibra LT, Joola Express X-Plode all work

