
[綜合技術] 求問正確的握拍。正手反面推擋

本主題由 (=^x^=) 於 2023-10-31 04:20 下沉

The Koreans like to pull their thumb back when blocking or punching with their backhand.  This has the merit of bringing the racket head forward which in turn helps bring the racket face down.  However with the thumb away from the racket face, much control of the racket would be lost and hence it would be nearly impossible to execute powerful stroke like the backhand drive or the backhand loop.  The Koreans would therefore keep their thumb on the racket face when playing a backhand drive.

I have been exploring new way of holding the racket which should enable me to play forehand drive/loop, backhand block/punch, backhand drive and reverse penhold backhand drive/loop all with the same grip thereby eliminating the need to switch from one grip to another between strokes.  At the beginning of year 2014, I came to the belief that I had eventually found this new grip.  I soon realised that this new grip look a lot like the grip of 容國團(Jung Gwok Tyun or Rong guotuan, a table tennis genius from Hong Kong who is the first ever Chinese world champion) more than 50 years ago.

Since this new grip is neither a C-Pen nor a J-Pen, I would call it an H-Pen (Hong Kong Penhold).  I would dedicate this H-Pen to the great and respectable Jung Gwok Tyun who had revolutionized the sport so long ago and yet whose achievement is still unmatched.

