
2014 澳洲公開賽: 黃鎮廷 Vs William Henzell(new..!!~)

原帖由 thevet 於 2014-5-25 12:00 發表
Well done William, the legend of Oceania!
William only trained 2, 3 hours a week for the last 2 years because of his full time work.
He mentioned in his ITTF interview that he only trained 7 hours in the prevous month before this tournament. He is only a hobby player now.
what a legend.

[ 本帖最後由 tsomlay 於 2014-5-29 14:43 編輯 ]


原帖由 thevet 於 2014-5-25 12:00 發表
Well done William, the legend of Oceania!
William's comment on the mytabletennis website

 ttEDGE - William wrote:
“Hi everyone. Well I was rather surprised by my good play at the Aus Open. I am just hanging in these days and was quite happy to have made it through the first two rounds. The match against Clarence was good and better than I've played in a while.To have the 2nd best win of my career in the quarters was unexpected. I trained about 7 hours in the month before due to illness and a busy period at work. You don't win any prizes for training but I would have liked to have done more. To win against a top 50 player was amazing - I know how difficult that is. The flipside is that I barely hit a ball on in the 5th and 6th sets in the semi (embarrassing) but you get the ups and downs when you don't train.I thought I played a very tactical game successfully. Let's face it - I'm not going to outrally him or beat him in topspin topspin so I lose if I don't play smart and effective.I'm going to write a longer blog post about the event (I'll post here when I've written it) but I'll make a couple of points now. You can have very good results by having an effective game plan and focusing a small amount of training on just a few key areas. I'm just a hobby player now too so I hope you people here can relate and make the most of your own situations.”

