
小兒練習時, 唔係好認真

My son also practice two times on Sat.
Once in the morning and once at night.
I finally gave up the evening one as it is too hard for him to focus after a long day of extracurricular activity

But it is also very hard to find another schedule during the week

It is hard to improve without training at least two times a week
Once a week could only keep his level without dropping too much


extracurricular activity are TT in school, 奧數 and boy scouts
I joined the TT evening lesson before he was chosen for TT backup team in school
I think, two TT trainings in one day may not be most beneficial

As TT is the only sport he plays currently, don't want him to give up...
Will try to arrange Monday night TT lesson for him instead...

By the way, if we want go China for TT training during long holidays, any recommendations?

