
打多左, 自然有進步

My son didn't improve much over this summer...
He learn up to 4 times a week...
He just not interested in drilling
But perform better than before during matches


原帖由 Bluesky 於 2009-8-27 20:06 發表

嘩, 4 times a week. You spent a lot on his TT training wow.  
Not interested in drilling, no problem la,
More important , he performs better in matches.
Yes ar, I wish to push him harder during summer, as he might not have as much time during school days...

But I think he could do much better if he drills
Also, he just do a bit better than before in matches but still not very good and has very long way to go


原帖由 太陽之子 於 2009-8-31 17:07 發表

I guess so...
But hard to have patience when burning money
I guess I should go for TT class more instead of 1 to 1..

太陽之子, by the way, I moved far away now...
Is Tsuen Wan ok for you?
If so, may be I ask my son to take a lesson with you and you give some comment?

