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作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2014-8-13 12:07     標題: 技術﹠訓練討論 (轉貼 From ZEIO)
COPY FROM Zeio Post #25

王浩軒 @ 施拉格乒乓球學院


Schlager's initial comment from the discussion where this was hashed out.

"Hello TT-friends,

First of all, it surprises me that nobody asks the important questions. Because, without an answer to that question, any comment is of little value. So:

Q: So, what is the idea behind my advice?
A: To sharpen the mind for using the body weight for all strokes more consciously.

Q: Why to use the bodyweight for all strokes as much as possible (and important: when necessary)?
A: To decrease the power necessary (for the stroke) from other body parts (lower-, upper arm, shoulder)

Q: Why shouldn′t i play only out of the arm/shoulder?
A: You have to move anyway, so it would be clever to use huge part of the energy the body needs for moving for the stroke itself. Also the less power you use out of the arm/shoulder (not enough for really strong shots anyway and power quickly decreases), the more often and more precise you can hit if you reduce the power used by the arm/shoulder.

Q: I teach my students to stand narrow. is it good or bad?
A: The more wide they stand, the more body weight they can shift each stroke and the stronger a stroke can be played. The player who stands narrow often starts to jump instead of just making a step. And while jumping it is obviously quite difficult to alter the direction if the ball is played in the "wrong" direction. Changing the direction of a step (one leg always in contact with the floor) is possible anytime, when necessary. Also jumping is a bigger change in height, so control of point of contact with the ball is going to be more difficult. I would suggest therefore a more wide stand.

Q: Why else is it necessary to optimize the use of my energy for hitting the ball?
A: Because sooner or later i will have troubles to follow the speed of the game if i do not use the time for the positioning of my body with the time for hitting the ball. This is actually the biggest problem in the transition from youth/junior to the adult level of the game.

Q: So TT is basically a search for the most efficient use of body energy for a sequence of moving and hitting a 40mm ball...
A: exactly ;)

Q: Don Olsen said, you are nuts. Is this true?
A: Well. I don′t know. But i usually do explain why i have an opinion. And i would be more than happy to hear his reason for calling me nuts...
問:Don Olsen(美國乒壇知名人士)話你膠喎。係真冇?


作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2014-8-13 12:07


作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2014-8-13 12:08

咁啱北美乒乓論壇而家有相關討論,在剛剛完結嘅英聯邦運動會,澳洲連續四屆止步八強,大家正討論加拿大王臻同澳洲 William Henzell 邊個反手爆啲之際……

帖中澳洲前國手 William Henzell(早前響澳洲公開賽反勝黃鎮廷)在談及自己的職業生涯時,說若果於青少年期可以遇到好教練、系統訓練、同好對手,成就會完全唔同


A few points. My backhand is the main reason I've been able to make the top 100 and compete well against top 10 players. I feel that it holds its own against anyone in world and almost makes up for many defects in my game. It's likely though that if my forehand, footwork and counterspinning game was stronger then I wouldn't rely on my backhand so much and it would be weaker. I'm extremely efficient at what I'm good at but if I'd had more depth in my games I would have won more of my close losses (5 or 6) against top 20 or 30 players. I did beat Ma Long in doubles but my best singles win is against Monteiro in London who was no. 39.

Making top 10 is incredibly hard and I was light years from doing that. Too many weaknesses. I do think it's a fantastic effort to make top 100 as I know how many good players there are and how hard they work. I think many things went wrong in my career. I did move to Europe when I was 14 for 12 years but I wasn't in the right places, working with the right coach and training with the right players for too many of those years. It wasn't until my mid twenties that I started getting a proper handle on technique and not until my late 20s that someone taught me proper footwork!! Environment is everything. My best years were when I was in tough, regimented environments in Germany and Austria where the coaches and players all pushed each other.

Australians, North Americans, etc have advantages and disadvantages. We're much more likely to get the opportunity to play Olympics, World Cups, etc than equivalent players. However we're at a massive disadvantage when we go to Europe to play. Generally little support and coordination from our home country, having to live so far from home, discriminated against by clubs and much fewer opportunities. The reason I moved back to Aus in 2008 at 26 to become an office worker was lack of support and opportunity.

Re comparing backhands. Eugene has a better block, punch and topspin from mid distance and distance but I feel like my fast close to the table topspinning is better. So then it comes down to who can steer the game towards their strength. By the way I think PL Theriault and Eugene both live in Saarbrucken in Germany and Eugene plays top league in France.
講番反手。王臻響中遠檯嘅平擋、彈擊、同上旋都好啲,而我覺得自己嘅近檯快拉好啲。所以,最後都係睇吓邊個可以令比賽向自己有利嘅方向發展。仲有,我諗王臻同 PL Theriault 都係住響德國薩爾布魯根,而王臻仲響法國打甲級聯賽

I wrote about this in more detail in some recent blogs but I'm a data analyst doing 50+ hour weeks and play TT 2 or 3 times a weeks after work when I can barely see. Yet I've had one of my better years ever. I think I do a good job of focusing my small amount of low quality training on the most important parts and strengths of my game that are the difference whether I win or lose matches. But the biggest difference has been mental. I'm happy to win and I'm happy to lose; both are fine. I'm enjoying playing a lot more for it and my results have shown it.
我響我最近果幾個 blogs 詳細寫過,我而家係一位分析員,每個禮拜做五十幾個鐘,連眼都掰唔開,放工打兩、三次波,卻係我人生最好嘅時光。我諗,響集中低質量訓練於左右大局最重要嘅部份同自己嘅強項之上,都叫做做得唔錯,不過最大嘅分別始終都係心理。輸贏都冇所謂。我而家好享受比賽,而我嘅成績亦顯示到

[ 本帖最後由 zeio 於 2014-8-12 13:05 編輯 ]
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2014-8-13 12:11

作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2014-8-13 12:14

作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2014-8-13 12:15

作者: samson2012717    時間: 2014-8-13 12:47

作者: KKFan    時間: 2014-8-13 13:15

作者: cheungwahlee    時間: 2014-8-13 17:56

作者: skyline@@    時間: 2014-8-13 20:38

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