唔使做?請左假迷可以 law!
其實我地只想提供不同的時段球局,以認識多 d 波友,今次 d 對象係學生同輪班既波友,又或者係請左假"吊吊fing"既 C 兄 ......
但目前為止反應一般.......... 作者: bd_fan 時間: 2009-5-26 15:37
Ah LUI, added!! 作者: bigsam 時間: 2009-5-26 15:57
; Dear fan fan
If our target is for those who have on their leave and ' fing fing ha' why can't we invite them to join our lunch first, of course he will pay for it own. This will make live more complete to have lunch buffet, table tennis , and of course is our dinner, ha ha 作者: bd_fan 時間: 2009-5-26 18:51