
[乒總] In hong kong July 23 to aug 7 need someone to play with

In hong kong July 23 to aug 7 need someone to play with

I am going to hong kong from July 23 to Aug 7. I am from US and my rating is 2183. Last time i am in hong kong i can barely find someone good to play with. I know hong kong have good players but they are like ghosts  very difficult to find. Can anyone point me to the right place so I can find satisfactory matches/practice during my visit?
My videos and my levels: https://www.youtube.com/@keithlintt/videos

[ 本帖最後由 jimsonpai 於 2024-7-23 09:49 編輯 ]




原帖由 jimsonpai 於 2024-7-18 10:53 發表
I am going to hong kong from July 23 to Aug 7. I am from US and my rating is 2183. Last time i am in hong kong i can barely find someone good to play with. I know hong kong have good players but they  ...
Please respect the table tennis players in Hong Kong
We are players, not cockroaches


原帖由 kei 於 2024-7-21 16:45 發表

Please respect the table tennis players in Hong Kong
We are players, not cockroaches  


it's metaphor.... relax.


It's a metaphor to describe the difficulty finding good hk players to play with not calling hk players cockroach.


It may be a slang or a metaphor in your area/city/country but the meaning and feeling could be different for the others. We should be careful with it and avoid misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication.

I believe you won't describe the royal family as cockroach even you never met them.

Also, there may be a second hidden meaning in your sentence.  When you are saying it is difficult (corrected a typo) find good players in HK, some people may feel that you are saying.the players in HK are not skillful.

Cross-cultural communication and miscommunication was one of the topics when I was a student. I assume an adult with working experience should be able to be aware of it. Otherwise, you will hit a wall.

[ 本帖最後由 kelvintable 於 2024-7-27 08:56 編輯 ]


i live in hong kong when i was a kid. The cockroach metaphor is precisely for hker. When I go to bathroom when i  was a kid I have to turn on the lights so the cockraoch will scatter.


You can invite players to play, but not describing us as ghost.

Good bye and thank you.
※歡迎大家參加我嘅球局! (逢星期六晚圓洲角8-11p.m.)

