
[球板討論] 選擇球板

本主題由 (=^x^=) 於 2023-10-31 03:50 移動
  How about Stiga Infinity VPS V? I like it very much just after I used it once. Very easy to control. Not too powerful. And the Master handle should be nice for kids and ladies.
無忘初衷 (雖然仍是長期輕傷)


原帖由 勁揪俠 於 2015/5/29 11:25 發表
  How about Stiga Infinity VPS V? I like it very much just after I used it once. Very easy to control. Not too powerful. And the Master handle should be nice for kids and ladies.
Plus that's not heavy at all.
無忘初衷 (雖然仍是長期輕傷)


原帖由 勁揪俠 於 2015/5/29 11:35 發表

Plus that's not heavy at all.
Plus that's not expensive at all.
無忘初衷 (雖然仍是長期輕傷)


原帖由 egghead1969 於 2015/5/29 22:30 發表

其實我都係見佢2個月的小女孩就打MXP同ELP,先覺得佢都係打器材為主 ,先覺木結他同小提琴係冇問題。其實 Xiom Aria 都唔錯選擇,易掌握得來又夠快

好野來,抽拉都正,唔powerful係睇用乜膠 ;t ...
Oh that really isn't TOO powerful. That's surely not an off++.
無忘初衷 (雖然仍是長期輕傷)


原帖由 sohin 於 2015/5/29 23:38 發表
我打左10年先打到MXP ,  
根本唔洗打E D 高級野
Excuse me. I'm quite a newbie and so don't know too much about the rubber sandwiches. Do you mean MX-P and EL-P are too expensive for beginners? Or do you mean they are difficult to play with?

As the writer of the this thread doesn't tell his budget, it's unknown what class of rubber sandwiches he's finding. But his kid's current one is relatively a cheap one. But when we suggested better stuff, he seemed being happy with those suggestions. So I guess he's likely searching for an upgrade. But I don't think he wants those most expensive like over $500 per rubber sandwich.

If you are talking about the difficulty, I really have no idea about MX-P and EL-P. But I tried Andro Rasant Grip that I found very very easy to play with. It was like I could make a good stroke automatically.
無忘初衷 (雖然仍是長期輕傷)

