
回歸盃 - 第八回 ( 四川震災 ) HK$1280 for 四川

多謝!Thank you!
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Your generous donations for helping the needy are deeply appreciated. Please refer to the following details for your record and enquiry:
; q' V; Q2 h4 g  N4 H

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網上捐款編號 Online ID: 90605
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捐款日期 Transaction Date: 26/6/2008 15:18:007 }. z/ @  h. U. I+ x1 u) f
捐款者姓名 Donor Name: XXXXXXXXXX 論壇之草
5 y& [: \$ V( x# Y( W
捐款金額 Amount: HK$1280.00
3 r: Q* v9 m, O, Q" K: m5 X7 v
捐款情況 Status: 交易確認 Confirmed' a* Y% a0 }; x% b$ s2 j! {
. D; l- b0 t+ j6 N' u8 n
如有任何查詢,可致電 2802 0016 或電郵
: U- @9 |: {; A* B4 W; d2 z% J
[email protected]; s# E( w8 |/ E' v) Q% J
" h8 i) _# p: u* Y! q
If you have any queries, please kindly contact us at 2802 0016 or by email [email protected].
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/ K) a: l# L$ F+ Z, q已代hkttf作出捐款,有問題可聯絡本人liness" />liness" />liness" /> : c. m  C2 v# f% Y

