

原帖由 Baukaw 於 2011/11/16 11:10 發表
【Butterfly】Super Sriver
SUPER Sriver x 2


原帖由 jcclee 於 2011/11/16 11:18 發表

咩來 ? 未聽過...
Sriver Supersponge ?
(不過都係已經歸納在 SRIVER 系列了)
Never heard of Super Sriver before????????
haha... Super Sriver belongs to 那些年 in the real sense of the words.......


Sriver and its variations have long been our best selling rubbers. The original Sriver has a medium hard sponge and offers great all-round performance. With the advent of speed gluing, FX was introduced with a softer sponge witch works well with the speed glue. Recently, many of our professional players expressed a desire for a Sriver product with the power of the original Sriver and the speed gluing properties of FX. Thus, Sriver EL was born. All three Sriver products have the same top sheet the difference is in the sponges.

Super Sriver is a unique product. It has a different topsheet than the other Sriver products. This topsheet was designed to help the ball leave the racket quicker. This benefits the hitter and the counter driver the most.


How much did it cost back then?
I used to have one, and I remember seeing the rubber sold at 文具舖...
but i can't remember how much it was selling for...
原帖由 Baukaw 於 2011/11/16 12:11 發表
Super Sriver, really too long time ago, I wished to buy one when I was in secondary school, but  too expensive.
http://hk.search.yahoo.com/searc ... %20sriver&type=


"Popular rubbers were, Super sriver, Sriver, Tackiness, Mark5 , as well as 729."
Bingo! Those were the rubbers... and I will add PF4 too...
Guess your 20 bucks in 1979 sounds right, 'cause I vaguely remember mine cost me 40 bucks in mid '80.
without a price-comparision indicator, I wasn't sure, but with the 20 bucks in 1979 indicator, 40 bucks sounds right lar....
原帖由 Baukaw 於 2011/11/17 08:31 發表

Its retail price was around $20 in 1979, it was too expensive for a secondary school student , I can only afford to buy a second (may be third) hand one , then fixed it on a double happiness bla ...


原帖由 Baukaw 於 2011/11/17 13:46 發表

宜家sriver g3  约四百幾,Sheraton buffet or Peninsular half buffet 也四百幾,hangseng card discounted.
A semi-buffet at Peninsular cost 四百幾 係兩年幾前既事啦...
呢兩年 inflation is like crazy!!!!!!
G3 要 400幾 ....即係廿年前同廿年後我都 afford 唔起....


原帖由 Baukaw 於 2011/11/17 17:51 發表

We had our half buffet at peninsula hotel last spring.
It was really Cost $4xx per person,settle with hang sang card.
please notice.. It was a half buffet.
That sounds great!
You can have semi-buffet at Verandah or at the Lobby,
and you can have sem-buffet for lunch or for dinner, so prices may vary.
I think a semi-buffet at Verandah for dinner is well beyond 4xx these day lu...

