
大專體育聯會黑箱作業 選拔結果難以服眾

回復 42# 的帖子

One selction criterion is :
"4.    Result and performance in the tryout"
and it seems that the organiser wanta to make the slection based on "performance". The problem is here : performance is SUBJECTIVE !!   The coach may argue that the one who lose peformed BETTER then the one who win !! That's all subjective !!  So the one(s) who lose is selected.  Others no  say under this criterion.

So only objective selection criterion is acceptable. In one match, a knock out system is the best. In more then one matche (like here), an accumulated points system can be used ( how to get the points, may be weighted ,should be known to all beforehand)

Only that can have a fair result and be acceptable nowadays.  

HKTTA tends to improve now and HKSSF did good job in selection of table tennis representatives for HK.


Just realized that there are at least 3 victims in this thread (some on past years). The case is serious.
Totally support disclosing this matter to public media unless the authority can explain well.

* No one can challenge HKSSF bacause they have a simple knock out system for selection - a shortlist on the web; seperate into 2 groups; round robin matches within the 2 groups; the BEST 1 or 2 are selected depends on the quota.  HKSSF do not consider they are table tennis professional body (no concept of "performance") and devise such simple rules. This is convincing.

* While USFHK may consider they are table tennis professional body (or have the ability) so devise a complex, unclear, hidden, subjective rules for selection. The key thing is that they can make the decision based on performance (or in fact their other considerations). So they are legal NOT to select any player that may have better matches result but select any player that may have poorer result.
  But when one candidate having very poor matches result is selected, that is unconvining (as this thread's title). The autority may argue that his/her performance ( or past achievements) is really good but just unlucky or not in shape. They just want to close this case and do that again next year.

* So what we want to fight for are 1) USFHK to devise clear and objective selection rules. Cannot based on the "performance" as observed by the coaches just on the few hours of matches playing (unless there are 30-days training camp). 2) USFHK needs to let superhero (if have good matches result) know the reason why he is not being selected ( his right to know ).

