
[膠皮討論] Sigma, Omega IV, 同 Vega有乜分別

本主題由 (=^x^=) 於 2023-10-31 03:51 移動

Sigma, Omega IV, 同 Vega有乜分別

之前有人問, Sigma, Omega IV, 同 Vega有乜分別, 根據官方的口吻, 我又找到d資料.

SIGMA series - 包括 Sigma I Pro
SIGMA series finally built an extra power effect of speed glue mechanically in Hyper Elasto rubbers. Advance to Internal Mechanic Boost (IMB) system of Hyper Elasto technology perfects the effect without illegal aids like speed glue or booster. This is a historic development of rubber production for professional players. Black CARBO sponge engines the power of Hyper Elasto IMB generation. Special construction of CARBO sponge gives the super extra advantage to rubber dynamics. IMB rubber with CARBO sponge also responds more precisely to the player’s intention. New WIN FIT shape of SIGMA series declares the new era of historic IMB rubber production. Raise your standard and Win with us.
SIGMA換言之就係一個字 "爆", 比灌膠重要 "爆".

Omega IV series - 包括 Omega IV Pro, Asia, Euro, Elite
Historical evolution towards full “speed-glue” aggression. Based on HYPER ELASTO technology the new top sheet matched with upgraded CARBO SPONGE offers extra-ordinary playing properties. Feel at the ball contact fully assimilate the clicking sensation generated by speed glues. New chemical composition and additional built-in tension make the ball more spinning and its trajectory significantly higher. OMEGA IV PRO stretches the ball from opponent’s court very fiercely after the bounce as if launched from speedglued rubber.
Omega IV簡單d就係想似灌膠.

Vega series - 包括 Vega Pro, Asia, Euro, Elite
VEGA PRO is a professional players’ rubber of new era. Extreme topspin performance which is indispensable for top players is realized by the mixture of two high technologies - HYPER ELASTO and CARBO SPONGE. New top sheet layer of HYPER ELASTO technology is made of natural rubber for giving extraordinary grip and more rotation of ball. Newly developed black CARBO SPONGE provides unprecedented energy efficiency, and converts more energy of hitting to the speed and spin of ball. Pimples are arranged densely for harder and more direct feel which is preferred by top players. The ball from VEGA PRO draws higher and sharply curved ball trajectory. Player can immediately feel that the safe zone (window) above the net was enlarged. Accurate and precise response to players’ intention gives more opportunities to lead the game.
Vega就係想死轉爛轉, 總之就係轉囉.

大家睇紅字就可以, 成篇都係廣告吹到鬼敢大....
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< -- 弧圈再結合慢功


原帖由 kennethkam 於 2012-8-16 16:37 發表
我認同sigma有爆既感覺 omega快
但vega比前兩者轉 可能好控啲磨擦易左掛
廣告來的, 佢地之間係無關係架~~~
Sigma可以係比灌1次有機膠水爆, 又可以係比灌100次有機膠水爆, 都可以係比灌1000次有機膠水爆.
Omega可以係似灌1次有機膠水, 又可以係似灌100次有機膠水, 都可以係似灌1000次有機膠水.
Vega個Extreme topspin可以係比防孤的topspin extreme, 又可以係比粒仔的topspin extreme, 都可以係比長膠的topspin extreme架.

廣告野, 唔洗敢認真丫~~~

[ 本帖最後由 alanchan 於 2012-8-16 17:02 編輯 ]
< -- 新手中的低手
< -- 弧圈再結合慢功


原帖由 jcclee 於 2012-8-16 18:10 發表

呢度以上回覆的, 應只以 Pro 作為藍本

Sigma Pro
Omega4 Pro
Vega Pro

但如果要深入去講其餘的子系列 ie. Europe / Elite
咁就是兩回事來的, 性能可以完全好不同 !
< -- 新手中的低手
< -- 弧圈再結合慢功

