

Assume all new product (sell on the 2nd hand area) with photos, I would suggest to have flexibly about selling "new" item - like OPEN economy - the market will toward an optimal set of price for sell/buy as equilibrium - with following reasons.

1. If listing prices are very close to the retailing shop, other members/expertise will almost immediately pointing out.
2. If there are suspicious concern (fake or issue about the blade). people could have judgement and freedom of speech on those item. i.e. The forum is allowing other users to contribute/provide better information, and buyer/seller will use it with discretion.

Conditions (as recommendation for the rule)
A. Photos are not allowed to delete for future reference (to all audiences) to any item selling on the forum.
B. Must need to provide sold price for future reference (to all audiences especially for future seller / buyer whey they buy/sell this similar item).

In other words, we don't need to care about new/old item in the long-term perspective/benefit to forum and users.

[ 本帖最後由 iacentre 於 2012-5-17 22:20 編輯 ]
  • jcclee +6 有參與就應該加分 2012-5-18 08:24


回復 27# 的帖子

I though the thread is asking all stakeholder opinion about the rule development, it is not about the issue of obeying the rule here. 商戶 as part of forum could certainly welcome to have opinion here by themselves. I agree everyone no matter they are buyers, sellers, users who need 保障 and need to balance.

By the way, 乒乓在線 should add marks to others too for encouragement - not just ... .


原帖由 jcclee 於 2012-5-17 23:55 發表


再講, 任何的意見,
也沒有可能會凌駕在一早已經落實的版 ...
Thanks, I think we all have something to learn here by expressing our onion and from others as well!


PS. Thanks 乒乓在線's prompt action you have made to all of us.

[ 本帖最後由 iacentre 於 2012-5-18 00:10 編輯 ]


原帖由 stephen1019 於 2012-5-18 11:10 發表
論壇管理員份工最新 / 最低入職要求:
1) 雙碩士學位 (最好博士)
2) 十年以上管理以萬人計社會企業經驗,
3) EQ, AQ, IQ, FQ高
4) 每天二十小時上網監察回帖...................
5) 人工 : 不收
以上 ...
The most important is the leadership - must have VISION.

Like Stephen who always said on his long selling list... 不喜勿插

