
Matrix Dance 神奇舞蹈

Matrix Dance 神奇舞蹈

America's Got Talent Season 8 (2013) Audition Kenichi Ebina. Episode takes place in Chicago. He performs one of the most creative dance / pop routines I've seen. Crazy, or in his words a dance-ish performance. A mix of dance with some martial arts that seem to defy gravity. He looks like he goes into rewind, like Matrix without the special effects.
李清綱頁, 精益求精, 以球為友, 重已重人
談天說地, 星星日月, 外星傳奇, 宇宙探祕,
一面長膠, 四海為友, 結交艮朋, 快樂乒乓 !!

