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標題: 一局球賽統計數據如何解讀呢? [打印本頁]

作者: SSPSK    時間: 2017-6-5 22:29     標題: 一局球賽統計數據如何解讀呢?

作者: egghead1969    時間: 2017-6-6 04:30

其实 service points won  即系你开波个分你赢,马龙赢 11 入面有七分自已开波,四分系 TB 开。unforced errors 唔知点定,当自已打失定点?

比起北美四大,analytics 做到甘鬼癈,好心 ITTF 起碼做到甘啦

[ 本帖最後由 egghead1969 於 2017-6-6 04:43 編輯 ]
作者: tomtom1995    時間: 2017-6-6 07:56

Unforced errors 指無壓力下犯錯?
作者: 速鳥    時間: 2017-6-6 09:32
Best Answer:  1) Forced Error- A forced error is when your opponent hits a really good shot (powerful groundstroke, angled volley, drop shot, lob, etc), that you have to run, stretch, dive or scramble to get. Once you get there you are unable to put it back into the court or you hit the net. Technically, you made a mistake but since the your opponents hit a superior shot, they "forced" that error. Basically, if you hit a shot on the run and it doesn't go in, it's a forced error.

2) Unforced Error- An unforced error is a mistake that you make due to simply hitting the ball incorrectly (shanks, mishits) or using improper positioning, lack of precision or just bad luck (such as hitting the let cord and having it drop back on your side). In other words, if you are playing a neutral rally and your shot goes out of bounds or hits the net, that is an unforced error.

Double faults are also considered unforced errors in some tournaments and "service winners" (unreturnble serves that are not deemed aces because the opponent touched it) can also be considered forced errors.
10 months ago
作者: 速鳥    時間: 2017-6-6 09:34

非強制錯誤 - 由於簡單地擊中球(柄,虛擬)或使用不正確的定位,缺乏精確度或只是壞運氣(例如擊中讓線,並將其落在您的身上),您所造成的非強制錯誤是一個錯誤 側)。 換句話說,如果你是一個中立的反彈,你的射門超出界限或擊中網,這是一個非強制的錯誤。

作者: TomLai    時間: 2017-6-6 10:26

Service point: 自己擁有發球權時得分
Winner: 發球(直接)得分
Unforced error: (網球術語)無壓力失誤
(Double fault 雙錯誤是網球術語, 不適用於乒乓球. Service winner 應該就是發球得分.)
作者: TomLai    時間: 2017-6-6 10:31

有有師兄可以講下Fever curve係咩嘢?我唔知.
作者: 速鳥    時間: 2017-6-6 10:40

原帖由 TomLai 於 2017-6-6 10:31 發表
有有師兄可以講下Fever curve係咩嘢?我唔知.
作者: 速鳥    時間: 2017-6-6 11:20

作者: egghead1969    時間: 2017-6-6 11:57

原帖由 TomLai 於 2017-6-6 10:31 發表
有有師兄可以講下Fever curve係咩嘢?我唔知.
作者: egghead1969    時間: 2017-6-6 12:10

原帖由 范少伯 於 2017-6-6 10:43 發表
As I know, "winner" means a really good stroke/hit that turns out scores you the point. If you win a point with a very good serve that the opponent can't even reach the ball, that's an "ace". But  ...
Winner 应该系你打到台,对方打唔到; 'unforced errors' 我睇返个局(第一局)应该系打失就计。虽然解释唔好,但算
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-6 12:47

比數 11-5,一共 16 分,一人發 8 球

Service points won 發球得分 7,4
Service points % 發球得分率,7/8 * 100% = ~88%,4/8 * 100% = 50%

按網球定義, winner 指你打個波到對面場,對方連波皮都唔到,或者你發球,對方接到,但回唔到場內
winner: A shot that is not reached by the opponent and wins the point; sometimes also a serve that is reached but not returned into the court.
套用到乒乓球,例如前三板,一板爆膠死對面,呢一板就叫 winner,語意上應該同廣東話「叉燒」相同

[ 本帖最後由 zeio 於 2017-6-6 13:05 編輯 ]
作者: egghead1969    時間: 2017-6-6 22:57

原帖由 范少伯 於 2017-6-6 12:18 發表

But... Timo Boll lost with 0 winner, 6 unforced errors by 5-11.
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-7 06:27

馬龍 5 球自己失,波爾 6
馬龍 5 球叉燒





[ 本帖最後由 zeio 於 2017-6-7 06:34 編輯 ]
作者: SSPSK    時間: 2017-6-7 10:02

作者: SSPSK    時間: 2017-6-7 10:33

睇世錦賽樊振東對李相秀當贏到10:0時樊振東故意開失球,好清楚聽到評述員話unforced error,是否應該叫courteous error?
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-7 10:59

英文會叫 courtesy point,有時大陸勁卵到要放一局,可以叫 courtesy game.
作者: SSPSK    時間: 2017-6-7 13:51

作者: SSPSK    時間: 2017-6-7 13:58


[ 本帖最後由 SSPSK 於 2017-6-7 13:59 編輯 ]
作者: egghead1969    時間: 2017-6-7 14:05

原帖由 SSPSK 於 2017-6-7 10:33 發表
睇世錦賽樊振東對李相秀當贏到10:0時樊振東故意開失球,好清楚聽到評述員話unforced error,是否應該叫courteous error?
另一方便,你開短波正手,對方回短,你插長反手位,佢反手拉起,你擋出檯,算unforced error定winner
作者: TomLai    時間: 2017-6-7 14:20

原帖由 范少伯 於 2017-6-6 10:37 發表

Tom hing you also play tennis?
我冇. 中學時同班有個同學打網球打到喺香港浮晒頭, 所以有留意下.
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-7 14:29

原帖由 SSPSK 於 2017/6/7 13:51 發表
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-7 14:30

原帖由 egghead1969 於 2017/6/7 14:05 發表

另一方便,你開短波正手,對方回短,你插長反手位,佢反手拉起,你擋出檯,算unforced error定winner
當 forced error
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-7 15:14

原帖由 TomLai 於 2017/6/6 10:31 發表
有有師兄可以講下Fever curve係咩嘢?我唔知.
Fever curve 似係醫學術語,直譯叫發燒曲線


亞錦賽 2009 每局之後都會出現

1 23  4 567  8  9 10  11  1213
 1  23 4   56 78 9  10  11

[ 本帖最後由 zeio 於 2017-6-8 04:54 編輯 ]
作者: slavfung    時間: 2017-6-7 16:31

我覺得service speed 都有哟用,average shot speed 實在係無聊
作者: 速鳥    時間: 2017-6-7 17:33

所有數據代表左 PlayerA vs PlayerB 的取勝方法,如果加上落點位的分部圖,就可以知道晒對手的短處。
作者: zeio    時間: 2017-6-8 04:59

原帖由 slavfung 於 2017/6/7 16:31 發表
我覺得service speed 都有哟用,average shot speed 實在係無聊

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