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標題: 【Cola 可樂】深水步 - 版主 [打印本頁]

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 08:21     標題: 【Cola 可樂】深水步 - 版主

Dear brothers and sisters,

我受 Topgun 邀請出任油尖旺及深水埗區板主, 同時與另一板主 Augustmoon 緊密合作.   我已經六年沒有打波了, 這個討論區引起我的激情, 我希望能夠栛助板主做更多的東西. 你知我是誰嗎 ? 我原來的名是 ymca1, 但這個名有點奇怪.  所以我轉用 Cola, 而這個名我已經在志願机構用了超過20年了,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.  

除了廣東拼音, 我不懂中文輸入法.  同樣地, 我剛買了一台新的電腦 (Vista), 那電腦不可以用廣東輸入法. 我不能打中文, 我準備買一個手寫板.  我希望日后可以方便一點與你們討論.  你知道啦這是我們的母語, 直接點.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!  

期望下次的訓練, 我週日不能來, 因為是家庭日.  我已經收到我老婆及仔女的投訴了.
Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.   
Best regards,

Translated by tko
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 08:22

Cola, 我嘗試翻譯你的文章, 若翻不好請不要見怪.  不過我相信大部人都能明白你的文章.  若不明的人可以安裝金山或其它軟件. 畢竟電腦很方便.  英文唯一的問題是好難表達我們的語氣, 如你所說我們的母語是中文.  其實我打英文也較快, 不過我打中文都ok.  

首先多謝你的加入 ,我們又多一名新力軍.  其實創立這個討論區我已在welcome message 寫清楚, 我希望我們可以與更多更多的波友打波, 我也是放下波板15年的人.  同樣週六週日不能打波, 有人投訴,  你去吹水區你會看到 "你們有沒有給人投訴"

我常說, 打波又平, d人又正經.  好過有些人的 hobby 是 票, 都, 音, 當, 吹.. .  你話係未.  所以我的家庭也很支持我, 只是時間上要平衡.  我打翻波年半了.  感覺很好, 雖然跑得慢了, 体力差了, 但想 win 我都要付出一些体力  


PS..小心很多手寫板不支援 Vists ....溫馨提支...用返 XP 啦.   vista = Risk er (高風險)

By tko

[ 本帖最後由 Cola 於 2007-10-19 08:23 編輯 ]
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 08:22

Wife and kids went to bed, I then switched on the PC again.Brother tko, you are marvelous. Thanks for your reminder!
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 08:22

but what happened to Topgun? by 傑仔
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 08:23

原帖由 傑仔 於 2007-10-5 23:59 發表
but what happened to Topgun?
Haha, I quited and give myself more rest ??  

No no, I was requested by Smallstar to do other things in the forum, somethings like 打什。

But I don't mind it as long as we all can hand in hand to input ourselves here, spend some private time, think positively & give the forum more comments, support the forum, work closely to each other & trying to obtain more happy & meaningful life.

By Topgun
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 09:12     標題: 【Cola 可樂】深水步 - 版主

其實我已經超過6、7年無打波, 因家庭, 工作, 義務工作, 進修同其他嗜好(有益的), 放棄了乒乓球。人, 往往有好多籍口。自己其實非常熱愛乒乓球, 但正如Martin 所講: 乒乓球是一項放吾低既運動............又易學難精,
到最近, 安排兩名孩子到恆生打新一代, 為他們到自己二+多年前常到?地方-萬達(我仲以為已經執?) 選購球板, 開始留意乒乓球?消息, 產品, 網頁及討論區, 俾我認識到一班來自不同界別?朋友, 又唔嫌我屎波, 所以我真係好開心同感激。太太亦開始支持我, 昨天仲陪我到深圳友傳練波(不過唔可以揀靚?女教練 ), 然後按摩, 跟住食?板燒。都唔錯, 我打3個鐘波, 佢行街扮靚, 一舉兩得。孩子就多D投訴。 仲要留?HK

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-19 11:51     標題: Chung Yeung Festival

I believe it's holiday for most of the people today, but I woke up at 6:30 am this morning to work! It was harsh and tough to me! :'(  Enjoy, good day!
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-20 11:50

1. 姓名 - Cola/可樂少校/可樂Sir/馬琳
2. 太約年齡 - 卅幾(快到先進組別)
3. 職業 - 公務員
4. 性別 - 梗係男啦 (baby face D, Brian 話我以馬琳喎!)
5. 興趣 - 乒乓球, 功夫, 航空, 健身, 跳傘, 軍人狂(收集英軍制服)
6. 波齡 - 小學玩玩吓, 中學就打吓校際比賽啦, 真係從來未學過。而家打番1個月, 非常屎波
7. 如果可以形容下自己的性格 - 鍾意玩, 講笑, 坐言起行, 週身刀, 無張利
8. 對這個網站有什麼期望 - 希望forum越來越多人認識

[ 本帖最後由 Cola 於 2007-10-23 23:42 編輯 ]
作者: 小過童    時間: 2007-10-20 12:08

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-20 12:23

原帖由 小過童 於 2007-10-20 12:08 發表
Nice to meet you. Sorry, I forgot to say hi to you on thur
作者: 小過童    時間: 2007-10-20 17:17

原帖由 Cola 於 2007-10-20 12:23 發表

Nice to meet you. Sorry, I forgot to say hi to you on thur
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-20 23:28

好提議! 一支可樂換一支啤酒啦! 童兄
作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:53     標題: Become 板主 - 作者 : Cola

Become 版主
Dear brothers and sisters,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!

Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.  

Best regards,
作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:53
作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:54

Dear brothers and sisters,

我受 Topgun 邀請出任油尖旺及深水埗區板主, 同時與另一板主 Augustmoon 緊密合作.   我已經六年沒有打波了, 這個討論區引起我的激情, 我希望能夠栛助板主做更多的東西. 你知我是誰嗎 ? 我原來的名是 ymca1, 但這個名有點奇怪.  所以我轉用 Cola, 而這個名我已經在志願机構用了超過20年了,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.  

除了廣東拼音, 我不懂中文輸入法.  同樣地, 我剛買了一台新的電腦 (Vista), 那電腦不可以用廣東輸入法. 我不能打中文, 我準備買一個手寫板.  我希望日后可以方便一點與你們討論.  你知道啦這是我們的母語, 直接點.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!  

期望下次的訓練, 我週日不能來, 因為是家庭日.  我已經收到我老婆及仔女的投訴了.
Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.   
Best regards,
作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:54     標題: From : TKO

Cola, 我嘗試翻譯你的文章, 若翻不好請不要見怪.  不過我相信大部人都能明白你的文章.  若不明的人可以安裝金山或其它軟件. 畢竟電腦很方便.  英文唯一的問題是好難表達我們的語氣, 如你所說我們的母語是中文.  其實我打英文也較快, 不過我打中文都ok.  

首先多謝你的加入 ,我們又多一名新力軍.  其實創立這個討論區我已在welcome message 寫清楚, 我希望我們可以與更多更多的波友打波, 我也是放下波板15年的人.  同樣週六週日不能打波, 有人投訴,  你去吹水區你會看到 "你們有沒有給人投訴"

我常說, 打波又平, d人又正經.  好過有些人的 hobby 是 票, 都, 音, 當, 吹.. .  你話係未.  所以我的家庭也很支持我, 只是時間上要平衡.  我打翻波年半了.  感覺很好, 雖然跑得慢了, 体力差了, 但想 win 我都要付出一些体力  


PS..小心很多手寫板不支援 Vists ....溫馨提支...用返 XP 啦.   vista = Risk er (高風險)
作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:55     標題: 作者 : Cola

各位兄弟姊妹,我個小蒙恬用得啦!:'( 真係非常興奮! :D 兩公婆幾十歲人, 都唔識打倉頡同速成輸入法, 唯有靠手寫板啦! 唉, 我個大女郡學緊啦, 你哋話屎唔屎呀???:L  :funk: Anyway, 以後同你哋傾計就方便好多啦!:P 不過喺公司, 都只係可以打英文。Sorry!
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-25 01:56     標題: Cola 可樂 - Become 版主

Cola 可樂
其實我已經超過6、7年無打波, 因家庭, 工作, 義務工作, 進修同其他嗜好(有益的), 放棄了乒乓球。人, 往往有好多籍口。自己其實非常熱愛乒乓球, 但正如Martin 所講: 乒乓球是一項放吾低既運動............又易學難精,
到最近, 安排兩名孩子到恆生打新一代, 為他們到自己二+多年前常到嘅地方-萬達(我仲以為已經執咗) 選購球板, 開始留意乒乓球嘅消息, 產品, 網頁及討論區, 俾我認識到一班來自不同界別嘅朋友, 又唔嫌我屎波, 所以我真係好開心同感激。太太亦開始支持我, 昨天仲陪我到深圳友傳練波(不過唔可以揀靚嘅女教練 ), 然後按摩, 跟住食鉄板燒。都唔錯, 我打3個鐘波, 佢行街扮靚, 一舉兩得。孩子就多D投訴。 仲要留喺HK

作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:58     標題: 作者 : Cola

Become 版主
Dear brothers and sisters,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!

Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.  

Best regards,
作者: 香港乒乓網    時間: 2007-10-25 01:58     標題: 尚有其它精彩內容, 儘在此處 ... ra=page%3D1#pid2064
作者: 小過童    時間: 2007-10-25 10:19

原帖由 martinhkc 於 2007-10-21 00:02 發表

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-10-25 11:20

Thanks for your effort, brother!
作者: oxygenccc    時間: 2007-11-5 12:18

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-5 15:41

thanks for your info!
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-20 23:30

Recently, I play badminton more than table-tennis! :L In fact, both sports are attractive and need to be tactful! :Q However, table-tennis is still the hobby that I like most!:lol
作者: old-cake    時間: 2007-11-21 00:46     標題: 回復 19# 的帖子

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-21 00:51

good idea woh! I think you are a competent badminton player again!:victory:
作者: 輝Sir    時間: 2007-11-21 02:06

原帖由 hkttf 於 2007-11-21 01:57 發表

1. A使波
2. 反手湖圈
3. 反手 Back Hand

p.s. 我真係識打﹐都ok 架 (十年前)
又係 backhand ;P
作者: 香港乒乓球論壇    時間: 2007-11-21 23:47

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 44_66    時間: 2007-11-22 11:11

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-22 12:20

good woh!. My wife likes to play this as well! We can organize some games later

[ 本帖最後由 Cola 於 2007-11-28 01:30 編輯 ]
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-28 01:32

Just had another session with my cousin! He invited me to join his team and apply for grade C or D at Badmintion Assoication!:funk:
作者: 44_66    時間: 2007-11-28 10:25

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-28 10:29

原帖由 44_66 於 2007-11-28 10:25 發表

咁勁 :funk:  , 毛毛波 呢家野 , 不材 hea 下架咋 , 好屎架 :o
Not really 勁!:L 佢打緊丙組!我都係跟佢操緊! 玩吓啫:L
作者: 44_66    時間: 2007-11-28 11:42

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-11-28 13:26

When should we organize a friendly game with you and your wife ah?
作者: 44_66    時間: 2007-11-28 15:16

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2007-12-12 18:29

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-12-12 19:10

以後多d同你聯絡囉!:lol :lol :lol
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2007-12-12 19:33

好 ! :loveliness:
作者: feideepking    時間: 2007-12-12 19:39

原帖由 瑤瑤 於 2007-12-12 16:03 發表
好 ! :loveliness:
瑤主, 羽毛球大眾化, book場超難, 您book咗場益大家先喇!:lol
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2007-12-12 19:42

原帖由 feideepking 於 2007-12-12 19:39 發表

瑤主, 羽毛球大眾化, book場超難, 您book咗場益大家先喇!:lol
其實我差唔多每個星期都有場打...有人想打的就 PM 我呀..我安排下 :loveliness:
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-12-12 20:21

剩係我同你呀???? 好呀, 好呀!
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2007-12-14 11:39

原帖由 Cola 於 2007-12-12 20:21 發表
剩係我同你呀???? 好呀, 好呀!
作者: 廠長    時間: 2007-12-14 11:47

原帖由 瑤瑤 於 2007-12-14 11:39 發表

brother cola.......!!!!!!! 我會舉報你的!!!!!!!!!!11:lol
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-12-14 14:54

原帖由 Gary_Cheung 於 2007-12-14 11:47 發表

brother cola.......!!!!!!! 我會舉報你的!!!!!!!!!!11:lol
Please don't do that! I will be very scared!:lol
作者: 廠長    時間: 2007-12-14 15:32

原帖由 Cola 於 2007-12-14 14:54 發表

Please don't do that! I will be very scared!:lol
我出係gold finger.!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol
作者: mao    時間: 2007-12-14 18:13

作者: Cola    時間: 2007-12-14 19:17

原帖由 Gary_Cheung 於 2007-12-14 15:32 發表

我出係gold finger.!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol
Ball game only, no big deal!
作者: mao    時間: 2007-12-23 22:28

作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2007-12-24 23:38     標題: Cola 生日快樂 !

Happy Birthday! :loveliness:
作者: Cola    時間: 2007-12-24 23:57

原帖由 瑤瑤 於 2007-12-24 23:38 發表
Happy Birthday! :loveliness:
Thanks, sweetie!:lol
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-1-8 17:39

啱啱同羅殺打完波, 佢就梗係好勁啦! 佢仲好好人, 幫我練橫打! 雖然打得質量低d, 總算有少少進步! 好似星期日Anthony話齋, 3至4個月應該有d成績! 多謝哂呀羅殺同Anthony! 梗係仲要多謝Gary啦!  費時佢話"side"Gas, 唔係"side"Gary!
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-1-8 17:50

星期六兩個鐘羽毛球, 星期日喺兵工廠打3個鐘乒乓波, 星期一再3個鐘羽毛球, 今日又同羅殺打兩個鐘乒乓波! 個人真係有d累! 希望兩樣技術可以進步多d, 身型又可以好似97年結婚時咁fit就好啦! 145-150lbs! :victory: 而家, 唉!................. 就嚟160啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'(
作者: 極道羅殺    時間: 2008-1-8 18:07

原帖由 Cola 於 8-1-2008 17:50 發表
星期六兩個鐘羽毛球, 星期日喺兵工廠打3個鐘乒乓波, 星期一再3個鐘羽毛球, 今日又同羅殺打兩個鐘乒乓波! 個人真係有d累! 希望兩樣技術可以進步多d, 身型又可以好似97年結婚時咁fit就好啦! 145-150lbs! :victor ...
我之前都係140-142lbs, 但宜家..................
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-1-8 18:12

原帖由 極道羅殺 於 2008-1-8 18:07 發表

哈哈哈!!!!!! 彼此彼此啦!

BTW, 我個女真失禮! 總知我就無佢乎, 俾佢激死同玩死! 教人哋嗰d我就耍家, 自己兩個就............. 唉!
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2008-1-8 18:12

原帖由 極道羅殺 於 2008-1-8 18:07 發表

我之前都係140-142lbs, 但宜家..................
宜家又係幾多? 兩個我咁多?? :lol
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2008-1-8 18:13

原帖由 Cola 於 2008-1-8 17:50 發表
星期六兩個鐘羽毛球, 星期日喺兵工廠打3個鐘乒乓波, 星期一再3個鐘羽毛球, 今日又同羅殺打兩個鐘乒乓波! 個人真係有d累! 希望兩樣技術可以進步多d, 身型又可以好似97年結婚時咁fit就好啦! 145-150lbs! :victor ...
而家都好 fit ar....
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-8 20:41

好耐無見你, 你好嗎......你果邊 (長沙灣) 天氣凍不凍, 好多人好掛住你
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-9 14:30

真的嗎? 真不好意思,  因在工作上及義工團體都非常繁忙, 四月在北京回來會再同大家會面
作者: 輝Sir    時間: 2008-3-9 14:40

原帖由 Cola 於 2008-3-9 14:30 發表
真的嗎? 真不好意思,  因在工作上及義工團體都非常繁忙, 四月在北京回來會再同大家會面
作者: Ricky~Moon    時間: 2008-3-9 18:15

原帖由 Cola 於 2008-3-9 14:30 發表
真的嗎? 真不好意思,  因在工作上及義工團體都非常繁忙, 四月在北京回來會再同大家會面
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-15 08:14

I haven't met you comrades for nearly 2 months. Terribily busy at work, volunteer service and family as well. I will be flying to Beijing on 21st this month and come back on 29th. Mainly visiting those Olympic sports ground and stadiums with the Home Affairs Bureau. Preparatory work for those HK volunteer helpers as well.

Originally, I planned to join guys for BBQ tonight  , however, my girl is still in St Teresa's hospital due to high fever and flu . She has been admitted to hospital since Thur morning. She's much better now and hopefully, can be released today or by tomorrow.

I think I cannot come today, sorry! Wish you guys and gals having fun and healthy all the times.

Best regards,
作者: Ricky~Moon    時間: 2008-3-15 08:30

作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-15 09:17

作者: smallstar    時間: 2008-3-15 09:49

原帖由 Cola 於 2008-3-15 08:14 發表
I haven't met you comrades for nearly 2 months. Terribily busy at work, volunteer service and family as well. I will be flying to Beijing on 21st this month and come back on 29th. Mainly visiting thos ...
Hi Cola, I also fly to Beijing visit the Olympic sports ground on 19th next week and come back on 23th. Hope can meet you there.

作者: Topgun    時間: 2008-3-15 10:19

So miss you, Cola, hope can play with you as earlier as possible.
作者: 廠長    時間: 2008-3-15 10:33

馬琳.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss u ........................!!!!!!!!!
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-15 10:44

   miss u
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-15 12:26

原帖由 smallstar 於 2008-3-15 09:49 發表

Hi Cola, I also fly to Beijing visit the Olympic sports ground on 19th next week and come back on 23th. Hope can meet you there.

Really? keep contact then! You go with which organization?
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-15 12:27

I miss you guys, too! Sorry ah, I will come back in Apr for sure!
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-15 12:41

好多人等緊你 龜隊
作者: 44_66    時間: 2008-3-15 13:09

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2008-3-15 13:34

作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-17 10:10

作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-29 12:33

Just came back from Beijing last night! How come nobody inform me about the withdrawal of my 版主 status?

[ 本帖最後由 Cola 於 2008-3-29 12:35 編輯 ]
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-29 13:10

just some misunderstanding....we plan to promote you to high level
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-29 13:12

welcome back. you are our forever 可樂 板主
作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2008-3-29 13:12

哎呀..我都唔知呀.....係咪你太耐無出現既關係呀 ?
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-29 13:15

誤會來姐....我革自已職都唔會革 cola 板主...只是想找個更高的位置比他....區區一個長沙灣板主.....大才小用
作者: 輝Sir    時間: 2008-3-29 18:11

原帖由 (=^x^=) 於 2008-3-29 13:15 發表
誤會來姐....我革自已職都唔會革 cola 板主...只是想找個更高的位置比他....區區一個長沙灣板主.....大才小用
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-29 19:01

I thought you guys don't like me to play and work with you anymore! Just kidding jei! I care and concern about our web and friendship ah ma!
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-29 19:01

原帖由 瑤瑤 於 2008-3-29 13:12 發表
哎呀..我都唔知呀.....係咪你太耐無出現既關係呀 ?
I believe so!
作者: 輝Sir    時間: 2008-3-29 19:01

原帖由 Cola 於 2008-3-29 19:01 發表
I thought you guys don't like me to play and work with you anymore! Just kidding jei! I care and concern about our web and friendship ah ma!
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-3-29 19:02

Not at home now! sorry!
作者: 輝Sir    時間: 2008-3-29 19:04

原帖由 Cola 於 2008-3-29 19:02 發表
Not at home now! sorry!

作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-29 19:37

作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-3-29 20:03

可槳板主..... ``還山姣
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-4-4 23:27

作者: 瑤瑤    時間: 2008-4-4 23:34

我都有禮物...多謝 !!
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-4-4 23:48

Did I give you anything? Sorry, I forgot la!
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-6-16 23:08

Dear all, I come back la! Should be less busy starting from this month! Cheers!
作者: Ricky~Moon    時間: 2008-6-16 23:53

welcome back
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-10-1 01:54

咁多位兄弟姊妹, 真唔好意思, 剛剛從海外工幹番嚟! 有d波友都知我好鬼死忙, 4號晚5號早上, 有個颱風"海高斯"會好接近香港!  我4號晚可能要臨時當bad weather standy-by更! 你哋有d人都知我做嘅係同航空有關, 氣象或颱風消息都幾準呀
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-10-1 01:55

真係希望呢個風會吹過d, 唔好吹嚟香港! 上幾個風, 我哋做到嘔電呀!
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-10-1 01:58

都好耐無出席兵工廠或論壇嘅活動, 愧對Mao, 廠長 及Topgun! 希望月中後可以再次参與球及訓練
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-10-1 02:01

no problem, but we never forget you...we are waiting for you .......welcome back.  liness" />
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-10-1 02:01

if u hv time, welcome to visit with us tomorrow in Ho Man Tin 1:00-9:00pm
作者: Cola    時間: 2008-10-1 02:05

I need to work from 1430 until 2230 tomorrow! Perhaps, I will "搓 my breast" to come and to say hello to you guys!
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2008-10-1 02:07

ha ha sorry to hear your time is same as our time......anyway no need to rush your schedule, take your time.  we will miss u.

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